Sadie Steals My Heart

While in central Arizona, I decided rather on the spur of the moment that it was time for me to get another canine companion. I checked online at “Best Friends Society” in Kanab, UT, that my friend Bobbi had told me about and to my delight, found they had just the type of dog I was looking for. I immediately contacted them and was soon told that dog had already been adopted. So disappointing. I kept looking and soon found another one, a puppy named Starla. Although I had not planned on a puppy, I decided to apply, anyway. She was available! Five hours to Kanab the next weekend and this precious little kangaroo was mine. A short time later, she became “Sadie” and the rest, as they say, is history.
Turns out the route to Kanab was quite picturesque so, of course, I got photos.

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